
26 September 2024

About Sorghum Liquor – with Moderation

  Going from banana wine to sorghum liquor takes but one step – which is just what Justin Faida did, in 2019.  Located in the Essonne region, his company gets its raw material grains locally. The first customers already appreciate its low-alcohol sorghum beverage with a distinct flavour. Justin Faida is not just trying out […]

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26 September 2024

The Role of Sorghum in Managing Vitamin A Deficiencies among Certain African Populations

  Sorghum is rich in protein, fiber, and vitamin B, but quite poor in vitamin A and certain minerals. Scientists focus on developing sorghum hybrids with higher concentrations of such elements. The aim is to meet the nutritional needs for such elements among the sub-Saharan populations – especially children, to whom sorghum is a staple […]

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26 September 2024

In Italy, La Veronese Takes a Liking to Sorghum

Molino e Riseria Martini, the company which carries the La Veronese brand specialises in grain processing. Since 2015, it has taken an interest in sorghum. With two production plants and specialising in gluten-free and GMO-free products, the company manufactures a range of products (raw/jellified flour or flakes) that has seduced industry operators and individual consumers […]

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26 September 2024

A Swiss Project Takes Interest in Sorghum “from Field to Plate”

  Launched this year for a period of three years, the Risorgo Swiss project is aimed at studying around fifteen sorghum varieties, in order to document all production and processing stages of sorghum-based food, both in technical and economic terms. Monia Caramma, a sustainable food researcher and partner to the programme, told us more about […]

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26 September 2024

The Fourth European Congress of Sorghum to Take Place between October 8th and 9th, in Budapest

  The next European conference on sorghum is in preparation. The dates to note down: October 8th and 9th, at the Budapest Congress Center/Novotel.  

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18 June 2024

“Dehulled Sorghum: a Plus for our Health”

While still frequently used as whole grain, sorghum presents good nutritional and sanitary qualities, once dehulled. Monia Caramma, expert in sustainable food, has told us more about it. “Dehulling sorghum consists in removing the external hulls of the grain and all or a part of the embryo. The process, which is done traditionally with the […]

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18 June 2024

“Sorghum Has Its Definite Place in the Beauce Region”

As soon as he created his company, in 2016, Eudes Coutté set out to turn his 110-hectare farm into an economically-stable enterprise. The need for crop diversification became self-evident relatively fast. He therefore included sorghum among its crops – along with its multiple markets. Eudes Coutté takes care of the processing and marketing of his […]

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18 June 2024

Hungary to Host Next European Sorghum Congress in 2025

  Hungary will host the fourth European sorghum congress in October 2025. Where does sorghum stand in this country? Below, a few numbers, to find out more in that regard:   50 000 hectares This has been the total sorghum area of Hungary in 2023/24, of which 38 000 hectares of grain sorghum and 11 […]

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18 June 2024

Weed Control: Focus on Young Plants

  As the range of chemical options is shrinking, sorghum weed control becomes more complex. Regardless of the method, the key is to target the young weed plants, without, however, forgetting about mechanical cultivation. In France, the spring of 2024 will have been the last one in which producers were allowed to use S-metolachlor to […]

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18 June 2024

Vieille Graine Joins Sorghum ID

Vieille Graine joined the Sorghum ID association in early 2024. Created in 2022, the former has been developing a range of eight organic products, based on sorghum and millet, for food use. “After the dehulled kernels, the flours and the pastas, we intend to develop new specialties such as sorghum semolina or aperitifs” Aurélien Amir, […]

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27 March 2024

Sorghum at SIA (the Salon international de l’agriculture)

  In March 2024, Paris hosted the sixtieth edition of the SIA. The event saw more than 600 000 visitors interested in agriculture. Over one thousand French and worldwide exhibitors were present, including SEMAE, a French interprofessional organisation for seeds and seedlings, at the stand of which a sorghum conference was held. Variety Innovation, Industries, […]

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27 March 2024

Poland’s Biogas Sorghum on the Rise

  The number of outlets that sorghum provides, its biomass, its resilience to climate change, and its other characteristics are appreciated as true assets, in Poland. As a complement to corn in biogas production plants, sorghum provides an attractive element of diversification. This is why the crop may develop significantly in this country. Gabriel Gawracki […]

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27 March 2024

Factors that Impact Sorghum Yields the Most

  Sorghum is more resilient to climate change, compared to other crops. However, it can be challenged by weather and other factors that can limit its yields. In order to get a better grasp of these limiting factors and help producers avoid them by adequate growing practices, Arvalis carried out an ample study, based on […]

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27 March 2024

Exports – the Number 1 Outlet for France’s Sorghum

  France is the first European sorghum producer, which grows grain and feed, single or multiple harvest, sorghum varieties, used mainly in the feed industry. The country’s sorghum area has increased significantly over the past few years, with about 60 percent of it being concentrated in about ten departments. Among them is the South-West region, […]

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26 March 2024

Do you know the carbon footprint of your sorghum seeds?

  To answer this question, a specific study program has been underway since 2021 in Argentina on grain and forage sorghums. The aim is twofold: to add value to seeds in terms of their carbon footprint, and to support agricultural sectors committed to sustainability. “Sorghum could play a key role in low-carbon agricultural sectors” Tomas […]

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17 January 2024

2024 A tasty and energetic year with sorghum

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20 December 2023

Sorghum Rotations: Multiple Benefits

  Crop diversification, control of autumn grasses, flexibility of planting dates in spring, soil fertilisation, resilience to climate change – a review of the various benefits of sorghum when included in rotations. By Aude Carrera, regional agronomist with ARVALIS.   Sorghum Rotations and Controlling Ryegrass and Foxtail Including a spring crop such as sorghum into […]

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19 December 2023

When Sorghum Invites Itself at the Table of a Starred Restaurant

  At the Saint-Crescent restaurant, at the heart of Occitanie (in France), two-star Chef Lionel Giraud gives pride of place to sorghum. As a native of Narbonne, the chef sources the products for his dishes exclusively from his region. Yet proximity is not the only quality of sorghum that has made him include it into […]

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13 December 2023


“Sorghum allows us to provide our customers high quality flours and grain products that they can trust to be safe and healthy.”   Earl Roemer is the Founder and President of Nu Life Market, a company that focuses on the production, milling, and processing of specific sorghum grains containing defined quality and chemistry characteristics for […]

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17 October 2023

Next World Sorghum Conference: Texas, 2026

  Under the aegis of GSA (Global Sorghum Association), the next world sorghum conference will be held in Lubbock, at Texas Tech University, in September, 2026. «We know that our community will continue to nurture the relationships they made in Montpellier and we look forward to strengthen them further in order to favour innovations and […]

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17 October 2023

Strengthening Links and Building New Networks

  Sorghum ID is a dynamic organisation whose membership has increased from one year to the next. Its members exchange their views and experience regularly, during specific meetings, steering committees, general assemblies «but distance limits us and our meetings are often just online» Valérie Brochet, the organisation’s representative said. «Which is why we wanted to […]

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17 October 2023

Sorghum ID, a Committed Partner

  Right after the Cirad (Centre for International Cooperation in Agronomic Research focused on Development) announced that the second World Sorghum Conference will be held in France, Sorghum ID decided to work alongside the conference organisers. In addition to liaising with its members and taking part in the exhibition space, Sorghum ID, represented by Valérie […]

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17 October 2023

Key-messages delivered during the plenary sessions

    Each conference day started with a plenary session of an hour and a half, during which experts spoke on a given topic. Thus a whole variety of issues were discussed, such as climate change and drought tolerance, climate change and hybrid selection, market developments and the European production systems, cropping innovations and sustainable […]

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17 October 2023

World Research Gathers around Sorghum

  Early in June this year, the second World Sorghum Conference took place in Montpellier, for five days. Focusing on the crop’s resilience and sustainability within the current climate change context, the exceptional event also discussed the whole value chain of sorghum and the industry’s major challenges. More than 400 members of the world sorghum […]

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07 July 2023

Sorghum Is Clearly Suitable for Methane Production

  Thanks to its genetic diversity and the work of the European breeders, several sorghum varieties exist today that have high biomass yields: single-harvest feed sorghums, sweet sorghums, and biomass sorghums. Moreover, sorghum crops that are used for methane production do not contradict agriculture as a food provider, since biomass sorghum belongs to the CIVE […]

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07 July 2023

Tips for Successful Weed Control

  Successful weed control – especially when it comes to summer grasses – is one of the key stages in sorghum production. Seedbed preparation, providing good planting conditions, observing effective legislation, using different weed control strategies based on the different sorghum emergence stages, carrying out tests and analyzing the results; carrying out mechanical weeding – […]

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07 July 2023

One Word for Sorghum?

  Antoine Bernabé is CEO of Moulins Pyrénéens, a milling branch of Arterris, an agricultural cooperative. The company is very present in Occitanie and the PACA region and it comprises two milling operations: Toulousaine des Farines, near Narbonne, and Minoterie Mercier Capla, in Ariège. Thanks to the massive mills of the Toulousaine des Farines, Moulins […]

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07 July 2023

Sustainable Food Summit – Towards More Sustainable Food

Between June 15th and 16th, Amsterdam hosted the Sustainable Food Summit. The Sorghum ID team was also present at the venue to speak about sorghum-based food and its benefits for health and the environment. Sustainable Food Summit – the 14th Edition For this new edition, the conference was divided into four sessions: Sustainable Development, Food […]

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07 July 2023

When Sorghum Is Brought into Global Focus

  The second World Sorghum Conference took place between June 5th and 9th in Montpellier and was attended by over four hundred participants from around the world. Farming industry operators, economists, and researchers made presentations or contributed to the hundreds of materials showcased during the five days of the event. The Sorghum ID team was […]

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19 April 2023

International Agricultural Show – 2023:
Full House for Sorghum

Frédéric Guedj, Valérie Brochet, and Aymeric Coussergues on the set of the “La cuisine du village” (“The Village Kitchen”) show. Between February 25th and March 5th, the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles venue hosted the 59th edition of “France’s greatest farm”: the International Agricultural Show. The event provided a good opportunity to review the benefits […]

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19 April 2023

INRAE Research on Sorghum Grain Digestibility

Hamza Mameri is in charge with INRAE (processing department) research and is part of the  Soft Matter (I2M) Engineering team working within the Joint Research Unit of the IATE (centre for Agropolymer Engineering and Emerging Technologies). His employment by the JRU five years ago resulted in several multidisciplinary works focusing on improving the quality of […]

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30 March 2023

Favourable Conditions for Good Sorghum Crop Establishment

  Spring is already here and it is time to talk about the best practices of sorghum planting. Hybrid choice, planting density/depth/date, soil temperature, and plant spacing are all important factors that Aude Carrera, regional agronomist with the ARVALIS Institute, has been kind to share with us, to help producers ensure good crop establishment conditions […]

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24 January 2023

“Sorghum – a Promising Industry of Many Opportunities”

  Aude Carrera has been a regional agronomist with ARVALIS, the French plant research institute, for fourteen years, and is about to take the relay from her colleague Jean-Luc Verdier as a sorghum industry information and communication officer. After college graduation – followed by a PhD which she prepared at the INRAE Institute in 2006 […]

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20 January 2023

Celebrating Sorghum, in Bucharest

  A conference organized by Lidea was held in Bucharest on November 9th, under the title: “An Alternative to Corn, which Holds Many Benefits”. Between 150 and 180 people got together at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Bucharest, to share their experience and knowledge on the conference topic: the corn/sorghum complementarity. As players of the sorghum value […]

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20 January 2023

European Genetics at the Service of Sorghum

  If there is one technical decision that is critical for a successful sorghum crop, it is hybrid choice. Find out about the range of sorghum hybrids provided by the European seed producers! Since 2014, the development of increasingly productive early hybrids has allowed farmers to fine-tune their choices based on a whole array of […]

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20 January 2023

Axéréal Romania: a Branch Focused on Sorghum

  On November 9th, 2022, during the Lidea conference in Bucharest, Romania, the Romanian branch of the Axéréal Cooperative took a commitment before the attending farmers: to buy the entire sorghum quantity produced in Romania. As an international agriculture and food industry cooperative group, Axéréal purchases and trades grains and oilseeds in France and throughout […]

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19 January 2023

The 2023 Meetings

  In 2023, Sorghum ID will attend several agricultural shows, in order to promote sorghum and its uses. Dates and Shows     Field Days, Bulgaria July 25-27, Dobrich, Bulgaria           FarmConnect (agricultural show) August 31 – September 3, Romania Farm Conect Romania                 […]

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19 January 2023

Best Wishes from Sorghum ID, for an Excellent 2023

      The Food and Agriculture Organisation has declared 2023 as the international year of millets. Qu Dongyu, its Director-General, stated: “Millets are incredible, ancient crops of high nutritional value. They can play an important role and contribute to our collective efforts to render small producers more self-reliant, achieve sustainable development, eradicate hunger, mitigate […]

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26 October 2022

A Few Words About Sorghum

  Lalatiana Rakotozafy is a researcher with the CNAM (new Sorghum-ID member as of 2022), UMR Sayfood. As part of the Gépro team in Paris, she works on the promotion of plant raw materials and transformation of end product functionalities. Below are a few words about sorghum, by this researcher. “Beneficial” is the word that […]

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26 October 2022

Sorghum in Slovakia: a Promising Future

    Created in 2003, Polnovakia Agrar, S.R.O. comprises production units located throughout Slovakia and specialises in swine growing, crops, egg production, and feed. Ever since its integration into the company’s rotations in 2018, sorghum has had an important place among the latter’s activities. Farmer Peter Jakub was kind enough to answer our questions.   […]

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26 October 2022

Sorghum, from Turkey to Haute-Garonne

  In early September, sorghum was in the spotlight in Tekirdağ, Turkey, during a Field Days event, as well as at the Innov’Agri event that was held in Ondes, Haute-Garonne, France. Field Days in Tekirdağ Between August 31 and September 3, six varieties of sorghum were presented to the Turkish farmers in the Tekirdağ region, […]

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26 October 2022

Feed Sorghum: Best Practices

  Whether it is grazed or green-fed, feed sorghum has many benefits. Frédéric Guedj, Sorghum Market Development Manager with Lidea, has talked to us about it and its related best practices into more detail. A robust plant, which requires no herbicides and is a rapid producer of large amounts of feed, especially in summer, feed […]

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25 October 2022

Climate: Anticipating Our Future Weather

    What should we expect, in terms of our climate? How can we adapt our agriculture, in the coming years? What role will sorghum play in the medium run? To Serge Zaka, Agroclimatology Doctor, one must observe, anticipate, and respond quickly.   Heat and Drought: a Record Summer in Europe The 2022 summer has […]

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26 July 2022

Sorghum in One Word

  Dr. Reinhard Puntigam, researcher with the Institute for Animal Nutrition and Feed Management at the Bavarian State Research Centre for Agriculture in Grub, Germany, believes sorghum to be a relevant crop, above all. A Resilient Cereal… “Less demanding agriculturally speaking, sorghum is – botanically speaking – more resistant to drought compared to other cereals. […]

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25 July 2022

MIRRORS: Research in the Service of Prediction Models

  The MIRRORS (Modelling Crop Responses to Repeated Stress) project studies the performance of rapeseed and sorghum in order to better predict their behaviour, anticipate the impact of various weather constraints they are confronted with, develop action plans, and implement required measures. Christine Granier, Head Researcher in Ecophysiology with the INRAE, agreed to answer our […]

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25 July 2022

Sorghum Shows Three Indisputable Assets, as Production Costs Rise

  The world market tension, related to the sanitary crisis, and then to the war in Ukraine has triggered a steady rise in farm production costs for the past nineteen months[1]; this is particularly true for fertilisers and crop protection products. In addition to that, water resources have diminished due to unfavourable weather. Sorghum brings […]

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22 July 2022

Sorghum-ID Receives Two New Members

  Two new members joined Sorghum-ID at the organisation’s latest general assembly, held on April 6th, 2022. After the European Sorghum Congress, the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM) joined our organisation through SayFood, its laboratory, which specializes in food innovation research. Created by AgroParisTech and INRAE, the laboratory focuses on acquiring new scientific […]

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22 July 2022

Saragossa, Spain: FIMA Ag Fair at Its 43rd Edition

  From April 26th through 30th, 2022, we took part in the FIMA (Feria International de la Maquinaria Agricola) agriculture fair in Saragossa, Spain. This year’s edition hosted 1130 exhibitor companies specialised in fishery, business, agricultural equipment, crops, livestock, and gardening, and was visited by about 104 148 professionals. This was an excellent opportunity to […]

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20 July 2022

Slobozia, Romania: First FarmConect Ag Fair

Agriculture Minister Adrian Chesnoiu at FarmConect, Slobozia, on June 9th, 2022   Organised by the Romanian Association of Grain Producers (APPRS), the event brought together local food and raw material producers, input producers and retailers, and producers of agricultural machinery and digital technologies – so vital for high-performance agriculture. Slobozia, at the Heart of Grain […]

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03 May 2022

Sorghum Biscuits: Towards a Genuine Nutrition

  Originally from Tunisia, Mohamed Zellama has been a big sorghum consumer since childhood. In 2019, upon having noticed that in France, the public was unaware of the benefits that sorghum held for human nutrition, he approached local producers in Occitania, to set up ORI, a company specialised in diet, nutritional, and environmentally-friendly sorghum biscuits. […]

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03 May 2022

Nitrosorg: a Sorghum-focused Cooperation Project

  The objectives of the Nitrosorg cooperation project have been clear from the onset: to improve sorghum hybrids by maximizing their quality (especially in terms of protein content, protein digestibility, and protein adaptation to poultry nutrition) and to share the acquired knowledge with breeders. During the Steering Committee meeting recently held by Sorghum ID, Nancy […]

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03 May 2022

Ukraine War Consequences for 2022 European Sorghum Areas

  Within a few weeks, the war in Ukraine has disturbed the world economy in many of its sectors. How can this situation impact the 2022 grain areas – and in particular, those of sorghum? At the moment, it is hard to give an estimate as to the end of the war in Ukraine – […]

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03 May 2022

Variety Breeding: a Launching Pad for Sorghum

  During the 2021 European Sorghum Congress, held in Toulouse on October 12-13, Patrice Jeanson (LIDEA), Magdalena Buschmann (KWS), and Joël Alcouffe (RAGT) gave an overview of sorghum hybrids available in the main European seed production countries. To improve the cereal’s production and value chain, breeders look at several parameters. Overall Quality Increase for the […]

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02 March 2022

Choosing One’s Sorghum Variety

February comes to an end and springtime is near. It is time for us to choose the varieties that we will plant. Hybrid choice is crucial for a successful sorghum harvest and it allows one to adjust the crop to the specific soils, climate, and planting dates of a given region. Disease tolerance, tannin content, […]

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02 March 2022

The 2022 Meetings

  In 2022, Sorghum ID will take part in many agricultural events, in order to promote the cultivation and use of sorghum!   The events and their dates: This second edition, which will be co-organised by Sorghum-ID, will gather together sorghum researchers from the whole world and will provide a voice to industry processors and […]

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02 March 2022

The Art of Planting in Southern France

  On Tuesday, October 12th, during the « Agronomy and Production » workshop of the congress, Guillaume Joly spoke about the specificities of sorghum production when done in organic agriculture systems. He also took the opportunity to review the characteristics of the regions of production, the production improvement techniques, and the specificities of organic farming. The Eurosorgho […]

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02 March 2022

Eleven Sorghum-based Products

  Nothing is wasted, nothing is created; everything gets turned into something else. This is the conviction held by the thirteen industry operators who presented their processing methods and sorghum-based products at the conference. Food, bioenergy, and feed: from votka to pet food, sorghum offers a wide array of possibilities. In their thirteen presentations, the […]

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02 March 2022

« Sorghum Must Be Viewed as a Valuable Product, Selected for Its Specific Qualities Rather than Based on Its Price. »

  To Florentino Lopez – ag consultant with Creando Mañana –, sorghum is unlike any other raw material: its intrinsic qualities represent its real assets, much more than its price. After having presented the United States’ sorghum program (the USCP – the United Sorghum Checkoff Program), Florentino Lopez spoke about the outlook of the sorghum […]

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02 March 2022

A Record Attendance for the Third Edition

  Key Data of 2021 Congress – a Quick Look The third European Sorghum Congress was held between the 12th and the 13th of October, 2021. The event provided the industry actors the unique opportunity to discuss several key topics during its plenary sessions, workshops, and breaks that enabled all of those interested to share their […]

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02 March 2022

Snapshot of the 2021 European Sorghum Congress

  The entire 2021 Congress content are available on our website, where you can find the highlights of the event, the key figures, and the speakers’ presentations. « Sorghum Assets Meet Tomorrow’s Economic, Climate, and Environmental Challenges: this Could Be Europe’s Chance » During the two days, speakers from four continents presented their latest research, […]

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17 December 2021

Sorghum ID at the Euroseeds Congress

  After a subdued 2020 edition because it was 100% remote, the Euroseeds Congress was once again in person, the most suitable format for exchanges. Congress participants could choose whether to attend in person or remotely. A delegation from Sorghum ID was at this congress to meet its partners and different European players. Pierre Guillaumin […]

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17 December 2021

Seeds for the future at INDAGRA

  In Romania there is considerable interest in sorghum, but its expansion is being held back by a lack of knowledge of the crop and the outlets. To respond to these two issues, INDAGRA’s stand presented full documentation and the experts present were able to talk to visitors. An educational effort to be continued to […]

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17 December 2021

4 technical sessions and many reports

  The audience for the field days that took place in Turkey in September greatly exceeded the number of visitors. In fact, given the enormous interest in this new crop, several reporters specialising in agriculture decided to make educational documentaries. Available on YouTube and Facebook, two popular social media channels with Turkish farmers, these videos […]

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17 December 2021

The most communicative, best documented website on sorghum.

  Launched in 2017 in 12 language versions, Sorghum ID is the site for everyone looking for information on sorghum. The sections have been designed so that each audience can find something of interest: crops, outlets, agronomy, star-sorghum, congress, news…It is permanently updated and currently has more than 400 pages, almost 1,500 articles, dozens of […]

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17 December 2021

The response of agriculture to climate and environmental challenges.

  This issue was the theme of the contribution from Serge Zaka, a passionate agroclimatology scientist. His research work focuses on the impact of climate change on agriculture. The key points in his intervention in the 2021 congress are as follows. What will be the climate consequences of an average rise in temperatures of +3°C […]

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17 December 2021

An industry with promising outlets

    Since the 1st European Sorghum Congress in 2016, real momentum has been created around the crop. In 2017, Sorghum ID was established, the European sorghum association made up of organisations and companies representing different links in the supply chain. In 2018, the 2nd Congress was held in Italy And this year, France held […]

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23 September 2021

Euroseed at Prague and remotely

  The next Euroseed congress will take place from 18-20 October 2021. Most attendees will be able to go to Prague. For those who can’t, the organisers have made arrangements (after registration) for participation online.  

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23 September 2021

Everything in sorghum can be processed

  With sorghum, nothing is lost, it can all be processed Sorghum is interesting for a number of reasons. It offers numerous markets (human food and animal feed, bioenergies, biomaterials, etc.) which, in addition, are not exclusive. A single sorghum crop provides grain for human food, soluble sugars can be extracted from the stem juices […]

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23 September 2021

6 varietal platforms introduced

    Successive Turkish farmers over the 4 technical days organised by Sorghum ID in partnership with seed companies were able to visit the trials. In total, 6 varieties were presented: 2 varieties of grain sorghum and 4 varieties of forage sorghum. As well as observations in the field, the farmers appreciated the dialogue with […]

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22 September 2021

3 workshops in the 2021 Sorghum Congress programme

  The workshop “Breeding and genetic gains” will take place in two parts: – 1st part: Variety options and lessons from breeding programmes – 2nd part: Improving the efficiency of varietal selection in Europe. The workshop “Agronomy and production” will take place in 3 parts: – 1st part: Technical itinerary – 2nd part: sorghum seed […]

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22 September 2021

Sorghum, crop of the future for our food and climate?

  During the 2021 Sorghum Congress, interventions from Florentino Lopez, consultant at Creando mañana and Serge Zaka, scientific expert and doctor-researcher in agroclimatology at ITK will attempt to answer this question. Florentino Lopez will speak at a round table dedicated to the economic viability of sorghum in the world and Europe . An American from […]

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22 September 2021

Yes, tannin-free sorghum exists.

  Sorghum has a reputation of high tannin levels. This is an image handicap, as the presence of tannin in animal feed is a significant anti-nutritional factor for monogastrics. Indeed, it was prove than even 1% tannin lowered by 7% the energy value of sorghum with pigs and 11% with poultry. But European sorghum do […]

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26 July 2021

For the agro-industrial operators, sorghum has more than one string to its bow.

  Not only does it offer various market outlets (as a food for humans and animals, bioenergy, biomaterials, etc), but, in addition, each harvest can serve several markets at the same time. From a single sorghum crop, the grain can be used as a human food source, the soluble sugars extracted from the juices in […]

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12 July 2021

Four years after its creation, the sorghum sector starts to reap the rewards of its work

The sorghum sector reaps the rewards of its work The Annual General Meeting of Sorghum ID, which took place by web conference on 26 May, took stock of the results achieved, following the promotion plans put in place in 11 European countries, as well as Russia, Ukraine, Iran and Turkey, with the support of the […]

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12 July 2021

2021 CONGRESS – Register now

The 3rd European sorghum congress, due to be held in Toulouse, France, on 12 and 13 October, will be attended by operators from all over the world. During the 2-day event, they’ll be exchanging their views on this exciting crop and the excellent market opportunities that it offers. The event has aroused considerable interest, as […]

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09 July 2021

Specialist assistance for successful weeding

Sorghum is a low risk crop in terms of plant diseases and infestation. However, parasite attacks can still occur. Most frequently, there’s little pressure and no action is necessary. But it’s best to be aware of the potential risks and adopt robust protective measures. You’ll find our recommendations for successful plant health protection here.  

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09 July 2021

In this way, anybody seeking information on sorghum can find what they need in 2 clicks

  Available in 12 languages, the Sorghum ID website is at the service of all interested parties, including growers, transformers, promoters. journalists and others. Taking the various reading lists and interest groups into account, it’s designed to offer the fullest and most exhaustive content. The topics covered include the benefits of growing the product, the […]

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03 May 2021

Sorghum markets have a future and we invite you to meet them on 12th & 13th October in Toulouse, France.

Global Program of the 3rd European Sorghum Congress 12th October 2021, Tuesday Plenary 9:00 : Welcome of participants 10:00 : Opening speech of the Congress 10:15 : Presentation of the Sorghum ID association: missions, achievements, projects 10:45 : Global and European sorghum economies. State of play and perspectives 11:15 : Agriculture facing climatic and environmental […]

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03 May 2021

Sorghum silage in dairy farming. What are the benefits?

  On September 22th 2020, the Ivanovice na Hané experimental station of the Prague-Ruzyně Crop Research Institute offered a complete program on silage sorghum and its benefits in dairy farming: trials, presentations and numerous exchanges on the stands allowed visitors to gather very broad information on this culture still little known in the country. They […]

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03 May 2021

Each market its own sorghum. Do you know them?

Sorghum, a large family in which each member has a strong personality Grain Sorghum A small-sized sorghum plant selected for grain production. Grain Sorghum varieties have a high yield potential and excellent resistance to diseases causing lodging. It is mainly used for poultry and pig (monogastric) feed and secondarily for human food, but also in […]

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03 May 2021

Sorghum all around

In Turkey, variety trials and 2 web conferences. On 24th March and 26th April, the two online conferences organized by Sorhum ID met a great success: 100 people connected to attend the technical presentations delivered by experts and seed managers. During these conferences, participants had a discussion on the experimental platforms set up in Terkirdağ […]

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03 May 2021

The General Assembly of Sorghum ID will be held on 26th May.

  The members of Sorghum ID are invited to participate virtually in the next General Assembly, during which an Extraordinary General Assembly will also be held. These events will take place online and should allow in particular to validate the statutes of the association, to renew 1/3 of the Board of Directors or to validate […]

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10 March 2021

8 T/ha of grain sorghum in Northern France… soon possible?

  Dr. Walter A.J. de Milliano is a pioneer of sorghum made in the Netherlands, where he has been cultivating sorghum for twenty years. In 2020, he decided to extend his testing surfaces to France in order to measure sorghum yield potentials in this area. “Climate change has an impact on precipitation level which has […]

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10 March 2021

Call for posters

If you wish to have a presentation, you are kindly asked to submit your oral and / or poster communication requests before 15th June.

   Selected posters will be presented during the workshops on Genetics & breeding, Agronomic techniques and Processing. They will also be exhibited in the common area during the Congress.   The 3rd European Sorghum Congress will take place on October 12 & 13, 2021 in Toulouse (France). The detailed program and registration procedures will be […]

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10 March 2021

The 3rd European Sorghum Congress will take place on October 12 & 13, 2021 in Toulouse (France).

  This congress is open to a wide audience: professional organisations and farmers, scientists and technical institutes, collecting and processing organisations, national and European administrations, seed and plant protection companies, and any other actor involved in the sorghum value chain.

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10 March 2021

Sow in soil at less than 12 °C?

    In each country, the experiment will be carried out with 4 different, early or very early varieties. In case of each of them, 3 sowing densities will be tested. We will thus be able to measure the impact of sowing under a tarpaulin with high densities. If we get favourable results, these varieties […]

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10 March 2021

Sorghum dynamics around the world

  Is sorghum taking off on a global scale? In any case, this is what the economic indicators suggest. + 6% of production: In 2020/21, the volume produced worldwide will probably reach 60.9 MT. This performance is the result of good yields in the USA and Europe and of the increase of production surfaces in […]

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10 March 2021

Sorghum has more than one tricks to offer

  Couleurs de Plantes has been a spin-off of the Rochefort Horticultural CRITT in France (Regional Centre of Innovation and Technology Transfer), which launched an R&D programme to promote dyeing plants and vegetal dyes. In this research centre considered as a national player in the French plant field, the engineering team has developed processes for […]

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04 January 2021

2021: Sorghum ID to Resume Its Local Events

  Local events have been scheduled or are being prepared in Turkey, Hungary, Austria, and other countries. Budapest, January 27th through 30th, 2021, Sorghum ID will be present at the Agromashexpo trade fair. This is an international event focusing on innovation, which covers a large number of agricultural sectors. Budapest, February 25th, together with the French-Hungarian […]

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04 January 2021

2021-2023 – Europe Lends a Helping Hand to Sorghum and Maize

  Run by the FNPSMS (France) and the PZPK (Poland), the campaigns will promote the benefits of maize and sorghum, as well as the agronomic complementarity of the two crops. The campaigns are also aimed at bringing the high-quality genetics of European maize and sorghum seeds to the forefront. The programmes will take place differently […]

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04 January 2021

Sorghum ID Conferences in Autumn 2020

In France November 12: Press conference on Sustainable Biomass Production and Its Role for Bioeconomy. Sorghum ID took part in a press conference alongside the BFF (Biomass for the Future) association. BFF aims to optimise the production of lignocellulosic biomass from Miscanthus and sorghum and thus help attain “the zero CO2 emissions by 2050” target […]

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04 January 2021

Although Fluctuating, Sorghum Production Is Attractive to some Russian Growers

  “If I were to plot sorghum production in Russia, it would be a sinusoid”, Artem Gorelov explains as an introduction. The figures confirm it: between 2002 and 2010, grain sorghum areas fluctuated between 20 000 and 50 000 hectares, “which is nothing at the scale of our country”, he points out. Then during 2011-2016, […]

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04 January 2021

Europe: 5,62 tons/hectare in 2020

  In the EU, grain and feed sorghum areas have increased by 18 percent in 2020: up 20 percent and up 12 percent, respectively. This rising trend has equally been witnessed in Eastern European countries such as Russia and Ukraine, indicating the producers’ growing interest in this crop, whose resilience to adverse weather is a […]

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22 October 2020

Seed Supply up in 2021

  Sorghum production has increased steadily in Europe, influencing the configuration of the seed market. In 2019/20, the available seed supply limited the development of the sorghum industry, at times. This is why the seed market actors have increased their planted areas strongly, for the 2020/21 season. The increase is estimated at 59 percent at […]

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22 October 2020

Sorghum in Italy: Now, a Major Crop

  When Daniel Grandis started his career with KWS in 2011, sorghum was already a catalogue product, especially biomass sorghum. As to grain sorghum, its development took off in 2014. To-date, the experienced agronomist is Product Manager for hybrid crops, covering southern Europe and Turkey. “I am in charge with a wide area, but as […]

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22 October 2020

Geolocating Jimsonweed in Sorghum Fields

  Farmers regard jimsonweed as a competitor species to their crops. However, it is its toxicity that they fear most, since its grains, stalks, and leaves contain strong alkaloids (scopolamine, atropine, and hyoscyamine), which may prove dangerous even at low levels. Jimsonweed presence in the harvested crops must remain below a threshold that has been […]

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22 October 2020

Webinars and Ag Fairs: Sorghum ID Continues Its Meetings

  December 1st: Webinar in Hungary Since the conference that had been scheduled for Budapest on October 16th, 2020 together with the French-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce was cancelled, another meeting will be held on December 1st. The event will have a “mixed format”: it will be open to the people who will be able to […]

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31 August 2020

+18% acreage in Europe.

  In all the countries where a promotion programme for sorghum cultivation has been implemented, acreages are increasing. For grain sorghum, the increase is most significant in Central Europe: +85% in Austria and +50% in Hungary. In Western Europe, significant progress can also be seen: +21% in France and +10% in Spain and Italy. While […]

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31 August 2020

Sorghum : cats and dogs licking their chops !

  Fungfeed is a company offering a range of hypoallergenic dog and cat food, which is rich in rare proteins and produced according to sustainability requirements. Developed by a team consisting of a biologist and a nutritionist, the products are based on insects, locally bred from co-products of agriculture and food processing. The other components […]

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31 August 2020

I am optimistic about the future of sorghum in France.

  Julie Toussaint discovered agriculture during her thesis. Since then, this scientist with a research background has never left the sector, developing a predilection for varietal creation and later sorghum. “I am convinced that it is thanks to seeds and varietal choice that tomorrow’s agriculture will meet the new challenges it faces, and that sorghum […]

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31 August 2020

European Sorghum Congress

For its next European Congress, Sorghum ID has chosen France and more particularly the historical production basin of sorghum: the region of Toulouse. Like the latest edition, this major event will gather professionals (researchers, producers, processors, economists…) from all over the world.

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22 June 2020

1.5 times more! This is the price difference between sorghum and maize in the USA.

  The rise in sorghum prices is mainly due to a combination of two factors: Chinese demand for sorghum has been on the rise since April. China is a country to which US exports have been regular. However, in 2019, US sorghum production has fallen sharply: it was 8.7 MT compared to 9.3 MT in […]

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22 June 2020

Behind the scenes of the Hungarian sorghum success story.

  Ferenc Farkas is an experienced agronomist. During his studies at the Georgikon University of Agricultural Sciences in Keszthely, he completed several internships in the field and on farms in Austria and the United States. Since June 2012, he has been managing the Hungarian subsidiary of Euralis Semences, the market leader in Hungary for sorghum […]

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22 June 2020

Sorghum ID resumes its cycle of events in autumn

  Hungary in December A conference will be held in Budapest on December 1, 2020. Organised in partnership with the Hungarian-French Chamber of Commerce, it is aimed at downstream professionals in the sector: both animal feed and human food manufacturers. Several experts will present the specific advantages of sorghum seeds: nutritional values, absence of tannins, […]

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22 June 2020

What’s new on ?

A rich website in continual growth. The Sorghum ID website has been designed to provide exhaustive information on sorghum for professionals (farmers and processors) and for all those who want to know more about the crop. To help Internet users find the right answers to the questions they may have, we have structured our resource […]

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22 June 2020

With Soufflet, sorghum is progressing in new departments

  Sorghum is experiencing a new boom in the areas of activity of seed collector Soufflet. Initially, this crop, little known to farmers in the Cher, Nièvre and Yonne regions, developed to the detriment of rapeseed. Over the past 2 years, the latter has been facing planting problems due to dry conditions and difficulties in […]

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27 April 2020

Food manufacturers,
ask for the Star-Sorghum Guide.

    Today’s consumer is hungry for healthy and fully traceable products that are produced locally in environmentally friendly conditions. Sorghum is one of those virtuous cereals on which food professionals can rely with confidence. DOWNLOAD THE FOOD GUIDE The guide is available in English, French, Turkish, Persian, German and Hungarian.

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23 April 2020

Austrian sorghum reaching new heights.

  “A few years ago,” Hermann Tappler told us, “most Austrian farmers didn’t know how to grow sorghum and didn’t even imagine it could be part of their rotations. The damage caused by corn rootworm and the increasing pressure of this pest led them to consider introducing new crops into their farms”. RAGT, a seed […]

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23 April 2020

Thanks to the varieties produced in Europe, our sorghum is tannin-free.

Alexandre Calendreau is in charge of the Formulation Department at IDENA, a company whose business is formulating products for animal feed. According to him, if currently sorghum is not used more in animal feed, it is because there are still preconceived notions that no longer have a reason to exist, thanks to European genetics.

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23 April 2020

Toomaï, too rustic, too good

  At the initiative of two young French entrepreneurs, “La Pépite” is a new balanced and gourmet snack that could soon be born. Special features: organic, additive-free, 100% vegetal and … enriched with ancestral cereals, particularly sorghum. For its creators, “Within its core concept, La Pépite carries the future of our agriculture and of our […]

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20 April 2020

+58%. Such is the increase in sorghum seed breeding acreage in Europe this year.

  The cultivated acreage in sorghum grain and sorghum silage are increasing in Europe. The choice of variety being a determining success factor, more and more farmers are turning to star-sorghum: the hybrids proposed by European seed companies. In order to meet the market needs, the acreage dedicated to seed production in the EU 28 […]

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18 February 2020

You can’t imagine all that sorghum can do for you.

  Industry, animal feed, human food…Sorghum has many assets to convince you. Industry? Sorghum can be used in different outlets: biofuels, methanization, biomaterials… Animal feed? A real delicacy for animals: sorghum is a raw material without tannins that is very much appreciated by poultry, pigs and ruminants… Human food? Sorghum is conquering European plates and […]

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18 February 2020

Feed manufacturers, demand the star sorghum.

  This is the title of the complete guide that Sorghum ID has just published for animal feed manufacturers. All the useful information is grouped together: grain composition, absence of tannins, nutritional and energy values, and uses in poultry, ruminants, pigs, etc. DOWNLOAD THE ANIMAL FEED GUIDE The guide is available in French, English, Turkish, […]

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18 February 2020

€323 /ha. This is the production cost of 1 hectare of sorghum in France.

  According to a recent survey of French producers, the profitability of sorghum is one of the 3 main motivations for farmers to grow it. Production costs: limited and under control. On average, under French production conditions, an estimated €323 /ha of operating costs have to be foreseen: €115 /ha for seeds, €128 /ha of […]

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18 February 2020

What motivates farmers to grow sorghum?

  The main benefits of sorghum as seen by farmers Sorghum ID, Arvalis-Institut du végétal and the ProSorgho association recently took the initiatives of launching a survey conducted among a hundred grain sorghum producers in France, to better understand their motivations for producing sorghum. This sample represents several production basins: notably the South-West (the historical […]

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18 February 2020

Star sorghum and genetic progress:
research priorities and perspectives.

  Increasing yields Over the last 50 years, thanks to genetic progress, grain sorghum yields have doubled from 3 to 6T/ha. This is shown in the graph below (source: Arvalis-institut du végétal).       Tolerance to cold and vitality from the start. Seed companies are making major research efforts on the criteria of tolerance […]

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18 February 2020

The future of sorghum in Turkey

  From 6 to 9 February in Izmir, at the Agro Expo exhibition, Sorghum ID welcomed many visitors. This trade show has the double advantage of being very well attended and of mobilizing a diversified public: farmers, breeders, seed companies, processors, retailers, officials, press… are all present. Agro expo was an opportunity to observe the […]

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18 February 2020

Discover sorghum in Kiev and Moscow

  Agros 2020 in Moscow and Agro Animal Show in Kiev are aimed at farmers, breeders, seed companies, feed manufacturers, retailers, officials and journalists. They come in large numbers and are looking for technical information. They have many questions on sorghum growing in these countries. For some, sorghum is a new crop on which they […]

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18 February 2020

Sorghum in the land of windmills and tulips.

    Once his PhD thesis “Wheat Improvement in Zambia Using Incomplete Rust Resistance” was in his pocket, Walter headed to Mexico. He then worked as a post-doc at CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Centre). But soon enough, together with his family, he went back to Africa: in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, he worked again on African […]

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20 December 2019

Do you know what is in a sorghum kernel?

  The sorghum grain is round and pointed. It presents a great diversity of hue and size (diameter from 4 to 8 mn). Its TKW (Thousand-kernel-weight) varies from 6 to 70 g. CARYOPSIS GERM The germ is located at the back and bottom of the kernel. It contains lipids (unsaturated fatty acids), B vitamins, low […]

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20 December 2019

Best sorghum 2020 !

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20 December 2019

Sorghum and global warming in the news

  The summer of 2019 was marked by a severe heat wave in many European countries. The mainstream media took hold of this news, with a question for the agricultural world: which crops are best adapted to global warming? Among the answers given: sorghum is in the spotlight. We have seen sorghum … In the […]

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20 December 2019

Sorghum is on everyone’s lips.

It all started with a happy event: “I was pregnant and I wanted to continue putting on my red lipstick on a daily basis” explains Elodie Carpentier, co-founder of Rouge Français, “but I became more attentive to the composition of my usual cosmetic products. I then became interested in the formulations and the result was […]

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20 December 2019

Sorghum continues its meetings and conferences.

  Direct exchanges with Romanian producers and industries in Indagra, Romania This major professional meeting was held in Bucharest from October 30 to November 3. Sorghum ID and its local partner APPR (the association of Romanian maize and sorghum producers) joined forces to introduce sorghum to Romanian producers, or refresh their knowledge on the crop. […]

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20 December 2019

800 000T. This is how much sorghum Spain has consumed since September 2018. This is 10 times more than in 2015!

  Given the weakness of its own production (45 000T), historically, Spain is accustomed to importing supplies from the rest of Europe: France, Ukraine and Russia, for almost all of its needs. But since May 2018, it has extended the supplier countries to a new player: the USA. Due to the China-US trade war, which […]

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22 October 2019

Higher acreages, higher yields! Sorghum continues its expansion.

  At the end of October, with almost all European sorghum harvested, it is possible to draw up a first inventory of production. It appears that European production (EU-28 + Ukraine and Russia) comes close to 1.3MT. This is a good level of production, higher than the previous harvest. It can be explained mainly by […]

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22 October 2019

In early 2020, sorghum will take part in many exhibits

  Sorghum ID will take part in many European exhibitions: Agro Farm, Moscow, Russia, from 29 to 31 January 2020. Agro Farm is an international technology show for animal and silage productions. It covers a wide range of topics in the area of livestock production: cattle, pig and poultry farming, aquaculture, goat, sheep, rabbit and […]

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22 October 2019

Making electricity from sorghum? Yes we can.

  Choose the right variety. We must choose a biomass sorghum, able to grow 5 meters high and to produce a very high biomass volume: up to 80 tons / ha in green. To be resistant to lodging, this biomass sorghum will have the characteristic of being woody, and therefore unsuitable for the production of […]

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22 October 2019

Sorghum, a crop with low input needs.

Farmers are unanimous: sorghum consumes little fertilizer and its good resistance to diseases and pests limits the use of plant health products. This is an asset for the environment and for economic results.

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22 October 2019

Sorghum from Bologna, perfect for all uses

  Bologna, a province of northern Italy produces 90% of Italian sorghum. In addition to motivated producers, there are also highly committed distributors and processors who find in sorghum a raw material full of assets. Venturoli company, sorghum seed distributor: « Thanks to the genetics available in Italy, Italian producers have been able to appreciate […]

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22 August 2019

Sorghum ID’s expert meetings

The Agri’vrac fair is the only major event dedicated to professionals in cereals, fertilizers and animal nutrition. The 3rd edition, which will take place in September, is an important event for sorghum stakeholders in southwestern France and Spain. France as a major hub for international agri-food trade and sales of cereals, oilseeds, protein crops, fertilizers and […]

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22 August 2019

Sorghum, the up and coming crop

More and more farmers are growing sorghum. This crop gives them both diversification and a response to climate change (let us not forget that 85% of agricultural land is not irrigated!). Another convincing argument: thanks to the star-sorghum genetics, yields are improving. As a result, the acreage is increasing and the supply is becoming more […]

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22 August 2019

Sorghum, an ally against global warming

One of the reasons that lead Marco Bergami, an Italian farmer, to introduce sorghum in his crop rotations, is his awareness of global warming. But beyond this motivation, he discovered a motivating and profitable crop.  

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22 August 2019

The assets of sorghum in crop rotations.

Let’s take the case of a short rotation, based mainly on winter crops such as rapeseed, wheat and winter barley (a classic rotation in France in the Center, Burgundy or Poitou Charente). In this situation, the introduction of sorghum results in longer rotations. This is because sorghum is a “real” spring crop, which is sown […]

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21 August 2019

Did you know? Sorghum can also be used as a cover crop

  The objectives of summer cover crops are mainly to cover the soil quickly, produce sufficient biomass to feed the soil and avoid the escape of nitrates to the groundwater. For a succesful sorghum cover, several techniques are possible: – direct sowing, very soon after harvest to take advantage of soil moisture, – sowing after stubble […]

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21 August 2019

Trust star-sorghum

  Sorghum grown from European genetics and production is the guarantee of a rigorous selection and excellent quality of seeds. Results: it is productive, profitable, sustainable and offers many outlets. We have to advertise it! This is done with the “star-sorghum” name that will be found in all of Sorghum ID’s communications. And as a […]

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08 July 2019

Sorghum gives you the floor

  Which new information would you like to find on the Sorghum ID website?

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04 July 2019

Become a member of Sorghum ID!

  Founded less than two years ago, in September 2017, the young European inter-branch sorghum organization currently has 30 members. These members are European organizations, national organizations and companies that represent all the links in the sorghum value chain, from seeds to the consuming industry. Sorghum ID was created with the aim of developing the […]

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04 July 2019

Technical information on sorghum pests.

  Sorghum is a hardy species that is generally not exposed to pests. Although most often the pest pressure remains low and does not justify intervention, some parasitic attacks can occur, especially in high temperature conditions. You will find below the different pests that can be found in vegetation on sorghum: Borer insects : Sesamia […]

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04 July 2019

11 % protein !!!

  The protein content of sorghum varies between 10 and 12% depending on the soil and climate context. This very interesting data places sorghum at the same level or even slightly higher than other cereals commonly used in animal feed such as wheat, barley or maize. Grain sorghum can be grown in most European countries. […]

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04 July 2019

In spring, sorghum opened a dialogue wherever it went

France. “Sorghum: multipurpose plant: what are the new promising markets?” Day on 15 May in Toulouse, at the initiative of CIRAD and Arvalis, in partnership with Sorghum ID. During one day, 65 professionals (scientists, institutes, seed companies, first and second transformation industries) shared their experience with sorghum. All of sorghum’s outlets were discussed: human nutrition, […]

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04 July 2019

Sorghum and innovative cultivation techniques.

Tomorrow’s agriculture must remain efficient and profitable, but also meet new societal challenges including environmental challenges. For this, we must explore new cultural practices. We will explore new ways to help farmers adapt to new practices. Explanations from Jean-Luc Verdier, Engineer at Arvalis-Institut du vegetal, in charge of sorghum activities.

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04 July 2019

With sorghum, we have significant room for improvement.

For Monia Caramma, from the company Macaronicus SA (, in view of its potential in the food industry, sorghum is still underused today. She explains why.  

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17 April 2019

Sorghum gives you the floor


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17 April 2019

+5 to 10% in Europe, + 40% in Iran, sorghum acreages expected to rise sharply in 2019

  In Italy and Spain, the planned acreage increases are minimal. It is in France that acreages are expected to increase most significantly (around + 10%), particularly in the Central West, where demand for seeds (particularly early varieties) is strong. In Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, the increase is estimated between +5 and + 10%. The […]

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17 April 2019

The benefits of grain sorghum in the diet of monogastrics.

  Not only does sorghum have a favorable chemical composition, but it is also the most energetic cereal for poultry. It can be incorporated up to 40% in feed formulations, while making sure to adapt this incorporation rate according to the growth or production stage. For example, during early phases, it is best to limit […]

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17 April 2019

In February-March sorghum was given the stage in many countries.

  Study trip to France, conference in Spain, conferences and trade show in Ukraine … In February and March sorghum mobilized producers and processors on all terrains. In France, Sorghum ID presented the different potential uses of sorghum in animal feed to Russian and Ukrainian partners. The group consisted of journalists specialized in animal nutrition […]

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17 April 2019

The advice of a specialist for successful weeding,

Challenges, reasoning, pre and post-emergence, hoeing, selectivity, in 3 minutes tops, Sandrine Volan engineer at Arvalis, Institut-du-végétal gives you her practical advice.  

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17 April 2019

Accounting results are clear: sorghum is a great opportunity.

Fabienne Coletti, an Italian farmer, started growing sorghum in 2017 when she converted her farm to organic farming. Two harvests later, she notes that results are convincing both for returns and for profitability.    

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27 February 2019

The agronomic assets of sorghum as seen by farmers

Thanks to its root system, sorghum improves the soil structure. Moreover, it brings a lot of benefits in crop rotations. Farmers who have grown sorghum over several years have been convinced.  

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27 February 2019

Highlight on sorghum uses

PARIS 17 JANUARY. SORGHUM IN HUMAN FOOD. « There are many uses of sorghum in human food. Now we have to raise awareness on them.» This was the conclusion of the meeting organised by FNPSMS (Sorghum ID) and Céréales Vallée, on the topic of human food. Thirty participants from French, Italian, Belgian and Dutch seed […]

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27 February 2019

352 seed breeding innovations

  European varieties meet all your needs The European catalogue (EU and non EU) offers a broad and diversified selection, for grain and for silage, for all existing uses. The 8 pillars of European seed research 1. Yield and stability 2. Early harvest varieties, but also tolerance to low temperatures for the emergence and flowering […]

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11 December 2018

In January and February, sorghum will meet producers and transformers.

Paris, 17 January: sorghum in human food. Conference in Paris, 23-25 Avenue de Neuilly, 75116, from 9:30am to 3pm. Baziège, 21 January: meeting of the French sorghum value chain at the initiative of Arvalis – Vegetal Institute. On the agenda: 2018 crop year results, markets, crop protection novelties, results of grain and silage varieties, news of […]

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11 December 2018

The future is about sorghum.
This was shown at the Milan Congress.

  “The future is about sorghum”. This promising theme mobilised some 200 specialists from the whole world, during the 2nd European Sorghum Congress, which was held in Milan on 7 and 8 November. During 2 days, researchers, producers, transformers… pooled their knowledge, experience and questions. They all agreed: sorghum has a lot of development potential […]

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11 December 2018

+6% (acreage) and + 14% (production). Sorghum production progressing in 2018 in the EU-28.

  In 2018, the EU-28 acreage increased by 6%, to reach 145,640 ha, which is a 9,000ha increase. As is shown by the graph hereunder, this increase can mostly be seen in Romania and Hungary, but also in France and Italy. In 2018, the EU-28 production increased by 14%, to reach 829,000 t. This spectacular increase […]

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11 December 2018

Is China an opportunity for European sorghum?

  Testimony of Li Zhao Yu– Head of Beijing Office of France Export Cereal, China.

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11 December 2018

Sorghum in the media

  Among the press coverage published after the 2nd European Congress, the Belgian news site “feed navigator” produced a remarkable video. SEE VIDEO

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26 October 2018

Sorghum can help the following crop, especially if…

  1. After sorghum, you can sow a winter crop as well as a spring crop, but… you have to take this into account when choosing your sorghum variety. If the farmer wants to sow wheat or winter barley, he will have to sow early and semi-early varieties of sorghum, in order to be able […]

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26 October 2018

Field days, press trips, conferences… sorghum on all fronts

  Field days in Bulgaria and Iran, conference in the French agricultural cooperative Terre Atlantique and press trips for Austrian, Hungarian, Turkish and Iranian journalists… the months of August and September were intense in events for Sorghum ID. The press trips were focused on discovering the French sorghum value in the region of Toulouse. A […]

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26 October 2018

59.8 million tons. Global sorghum production dwindling while demand is increasing.

  59.8 million tons: estimates for the global harvest of sorghum sown in 2018 Despite an increase in acreages, especially in the top exporters (Argentina, Australia, US), the global production appears to be dwindling. This can mainly be explained by the decrease in Australian production (-400,000 tons). At the time of writing, harvest is on-going […]

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23 October 2018

They grow sorghum and tell us why

  Profitability, diversification, input savings, quality of genetics, earliness, simplicity… 4 farmers tell us all about the many assets of sorghum

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27 August 2018

Using sorghum silage as feed for dairy and suckler herd

Silage sorghums BMR without grains – Dual-purpose use  sorghums – Grain Sorghum – Silage sweet sorghums BMR with grains The existing broad genetic diversity of sorghum is a real opportunity for the nutrition of ruminants. However, this diversity can also be seen as difficult in managing the feeding of a cattle herd. The aim of this article is […]

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27 August 2018

Discover our field trials

In order to show farmers the genetic progress of sorghum, Sorghum ID implemented 9 field trials in different countries, from Austria to Iran. They were implanted thanks to local partners and visits are organised in each of them. The table hereunder shows dates and locations. On each platform, 20 to 25 hybrids (grain and silage) […]

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27 August 2018

Sorghum, water and profitability. Farmers testify.

For Eric Zambon, Henri-Bernard Cartier, Herve Clamens, Thierry Duviau and Yvon Parayre, sorghum is profitable and does not need much water.

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09 July 2018

Online registrations are open!

“Sorghum the safe bet for the future”   Le 7 & 8 novembre 2018 à Milan Hotel Sheraton (Milan Malpensa International Airport). This event is open to a very broad audience: trade organisations and agricultural producers, scientists and technical institutes, collectors and traders, national and European administrations, seed and plant production companies and all stakeholders involved […]

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25 June 2018

The Arterris cooperative has been using sorghum since the 1980s

Miguel Lardeux, Head of monogastric market in Arterris On the monogastric market, sorghum represents about 3,000 tons of rax material out of the 17 to 18,000 tons of processed feed.

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25 June 2018

Sorghum: they talk about us in the media!

Still little known in Europe, sorghum can count on information relays in the specialised media. Since the launch of the information campaign orchestrated by Sorghum ID in September 2017, numerous articles have been published in the agricultural press. Be it the sorghum’s environmental, agronomic or economic assets, its outlets or even its cultivation techniques … […]

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25 June 2018

Sorghum is settling everywhere in Europe, as evidenced in 4 countries

  After Bulgaria, Spain and Romania, sorghum is the talk of the town in the South-West of France. And it is only the beginning. Sorghum ID in Bulgaria to promote sorghum with animal feed industries: In the framework of the promotion plans, Sorghum ID participated on 20 April in a conference organised by BFMA (Bulgarian […]

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12 June 2018

Pop! Pop? Discover Pop Sorghum!

  The Healthy Crop LTD, headquartered in Edinburgh, Scotland, are pioneering the consumer sorghum trend with their first product, lil’POP, a packaged popped sorghum snack. Founder, Sydney Chasin, diagnosed with coeliac disease at age 7 and grown up in a small US farm town, has been consuming sorghum grain in a multitude of applications—everything from […]

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03 May 2018

O de MILA The Naturally Gluten-free Beer rewarded at the FRANCE BEER CHALLENGE The very young Ô de MILA beer, naturally Gluten-free, was silver medallist at the 2018 Competition! Located in Occitanie (a region in the South-West of France), the SOMA company prepares its Ô de MILA beer by getting involved in all stages, from the farmer’s field to the final consumer. Ô de MILA’s “Naturally […]

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03 March 2018

Sorghum: nutritive assets attractive for animal feed

  The 2017 European sorghum grain harvest accounts among the bests of the past 10 years and has achieved a significant increase in terms of production which is due to an increase in acreages and yields compared to 2016. Generally, the climatic conditions of 2017 have allowed limiting water-stresses during the sensitive phase around ear […]

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09 February 2018

Poster presentation for the 2nd European Congress of Sorghum : submit your application.

  The 2nd European Sorghum Congress will be held on 7-8 November 2018 in Milan (Sheraton Hotel / Malpensa International Airport). The detailed programme and registration procedures will be sent in early May.   The Congress will be based on 3 workshops: . Genetics and breeding . Agronomy and economy . Transformation and outlets as […]

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08 February 2018

Daniel PEYRAUBE elected Sorghum ID President

  Following the Constitutive General Assembly of the European inter-branch sorghum association – Sorghum ID – on 26 September 2017 in Brussels, the organisation held its first Board Meeting last Thursday (18 January). During this meeting, at which the 5 members of the Bureau were elected, with Daniel PEYRAUBE as its President. Download

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13 December 2017

Sorghum ID at the MVC exhibition in Moscow from 30 January – 1 February 2018

  We are looking forward to seeing you at the MVC agricultural exhibition “Cereals – Mixed feeds – Veterinary” to discover the uses of sorghum in animal feed. On our stand you will find all necessary information about sorghum in terms of use, composition and nutritional value for animal feed. Where? Russia, 129223, Moscow, Prospekt […]

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11 December 2017

Sorghum and You. Tell us everything!

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28 November 2017

“Sorghum in the 21st Century”, Congress South Africa

  The programme will comprise five cross-cutting themes: Accelerating progress in advanced breeding for improved crop adaptation to climate risks Improving productivity and increasing profitability to expand opportunities across global markets Enhancing resilience in the face of biotic and abiotic challenges Tackling key issues in food security and farming systems for improved livelihoods for the […]

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27 November 2017

Sorghum under the spotlight during UFS roundtable

  During the General Assembly of the UFS (French Union of Seed Producers), experts Arnaud Bouxin (FEFAC) and Frédéric Guedj (Euralis Seeds) took part in a roundtable on how to meet export expectations. They notably discussed the progress of European genetic selection over the last 30 years, and how it is nowadays possible to obtain […]

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16 November 2017

The European Union supports the promotion of sorghum in Iran

Commissioner Phil Hogan, accompanied by leaders of European agricultural organisations, was on a high-level mission to Iran from 11 to 13 November in order to promote EU agricultural products and co-operation with Iran. Also involved in the mission, FNPSMS (French inter-branch federation of maize and sorghum seeds) – represented by its Director Thierry Gokelaere – […]

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02 November 2017

Agro Complex Kiev, Ukraine

From 31 October to 2 November, Sorghum ID set out to discover Ukraine and its farming. This very agricultural country has indisputably become a global farming power over the past few years. Sorghum is not new to Ukraine, as it is cultivated on around 80,000 ha each year. The crop is now the talk of […]

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27 October 2017

ESA Congress in Riga, Latvia.

The ESA (European Seeds Association) annual Congress took place from 8 to 10 October. This gathering of European seed experts was an opportunity for Sorghum ID to present its objectives but also to provide a state of play on the production of sorghum (grain-silage-seed) around the world and particularly in Europe. The video clip promoting […]

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22 October 2017

AgroComplex Kiev: meeting in Ukraine on 31 October, 1 and 2 November at the Sorghum ID stand (Hall C2).

Actions to promote sorghum will also be implemented in Ukraine under the European promotion programmes. Sorghum ID will welcome visitors to its stand, where technical guides about the cultivation of silage and grain sorghum will be available. Information concerning the possible uses of sorghum and European genetic varieties will also be distributed to visitors.

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16 October 2017

Sorghum ID present in « Indagra », the international agricultural exhibition of Bucharest

Thanks to this important agricultural exhibition that took place from 25 to 29 October, Sorghum ID was able to help Romanian farmers discover – or re-discover – sorghum. Indeed, under communism, the sorghum acreage was close to 100,000 ha, compared to 20,000 ha nowadays, demonstrating the potential of this crop, especially taking into account today’s […]

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16 October 2017

Indagra Bucharest: Sorghum ID invites you to Bucharest from 25 to 29 October. 

Through its own stand (Hall C1), Sorghum ID invites you to discover sorghum. Here you will be able to learn more about both the use and the assets of sorghum thanks to the technical documentation put at your disposal. Sorghum will no longer be a secret to you! During this exhibition, Sorghum ID will hold […]

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12 October 2017

Press Trips: the European Press discovers sorghum in the region of Occitania

  Two press trips were organised at the end of September under the promotion plans that started in spring 2017. They involved 9 journalists from EU member states (France, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy and Romania) and 9 journalists from Russia and Ukraine.   Main objective: promote sorghum on a genetic, agronomic, economic and environmental level, as […]

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12 October 2017

Constitutive Assembly, birth of « Sorghum ID » : the construction of the European sector

  It is necessary to recall that it is on the basis of the state of play of sorghum in Europe that, at the beginning of 2016, an idea and several projects were developed at the initiative of Fnpsms (French Federation for seed maize and seed sorghum) members, in order to work towards building a […]

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