“Dehulled Sorghum: a Plus for our Health”

While still frequently used as whole grain, sorghum presents good nutritional and sanitary qualities, once dehulled. Monia Caramma, expert in sustainable food, has told us more about it.
“Dehulling sorghum consists in removing the external hulls of the grain and all or a part of the embryo. The process, which is done traditionally with the aid of an abrasive stone of variable granulometry, has several advantages. Not only does it enable the production of bran, which is used in other food products, but it also helps to reduce fatty acids, which are responsible for early rancidness of food commodities. Another advantage is that dehulled sorghum is a good alternative for people prone to intestinal inflammations such as SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Such patients represent about 40 percent of the population and must avoid eating complete, high-fibre food, which can cause an imbalance of the intestinal flora, otherwise called dysbiosis.”
Effective for Glycemia and Fat Absorption and Digestion
“Several studies have also shown that dehulled sorghum contains flavonoids – molecules with interesting nutritional characteristics, which have antioxidant, antidiabetic and anti-obesity effects. How? By their action upon certain enzymes (α-glucosidase, α-amylase, and pancreatic lipase) that are able to lower hyperglycemia, the absorption and the digestion of fats and glucides.
Dehulled sorghum digests easily and has a neutral taste. As a highly versatile product, it is suitable for the production of pasta for bread, pizza, or biscuits. The food and agriculture industry is also interested in this raw material for the production of baby food and breakfast flakes.”
For more information on the market outlets of sorghum, you can download a guide here.
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Poland’s Biogas Sorghum on the Rise

Do you know the carbon footprint of your sorghum seeds?