Celebrating Sorghum, in Bucharest

A conference organized by Lidea was held in Bucharest on November 9th, under the title: “An Alternative to Corn, which Holds Many Benefits”.
Between 150 and 180 people got together at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Bucharest, to share their experience and knowledge on the conference topic: the corn/sorghum complementarity.
As players of the sorghum value chain, seed producers, growers, processors (feed and food, biofuels, etc), traders, brokers, and associations were all represented at the event and listened to the presentations that were made, which covered topics such as the history of sorghum, the objectives and strategies related to the development of sorghum in Europe, the domestic sorghum market, the crop’s complementarity with corn, the use of sorghum in swine rations, and the use of agricultural weather apps to monitor drought in Romania.
After having introduced their organisation, the Sorghum ID representatives were able to talk to the various speakers, especially Daniel Alexandru, Head of the Romanian Ag Weather Lab and Mihaela Hâbeanu, with the National R&D Institute for Biology and Animal Nutrition. This was also an opportunity to meet the team of the APPRS – a Romanian association of grain producers –, as well as other producer associations that attended the event.
Frédéric Moulin ended the day’s agenda with his views on the sorghum market potential in Romania and stressed once again the efforts made by Axéréal to make the crop known in this country.
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Best Wishes from Sorghum ID, for an Excellent 2023

Axéréal Romania: a Branch Focused on Sorghum