2021-2023 – Europe Lends a Helping Hand to Sorghum and Maize

Run by the FNPSMS (France) and the PZPK (Poland), the campaigns will promote the benefits of maize and sorghum, as well as the agronomic complementarity of the two crops. The campaigns are also aimed at bringing the high-quality genetics of European maize and sorghum seeds to the forefront.
The programmes will take place differently at country level:
- In Spain, France, and Italy: they will promote sorghum and maize crops and genetics;
- In Germany and Poland: they will promote maize cultivation and genetics;
- In Romania and Bulgaria: they will focus on bringing sorghum cultivation and genetics to the foreground.
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Sorghum ID Conferences in Autumn 2020

Although Fluctuating, Sorghum Production Is Attractive to some Russian Growers