“Sorghum allows us to provide our customers high quality flours and grain products that they can trust to be safe and healthy.”
Earl Roemer is the Founder and President of Nu Life Market, a company that focuses on the production, milling, and processing of specific sorghum grains containing defined quality and chemistry characteristics for applications in the food and beverage industries.
What is the mission of Nu Life Market?
Today customers are more and more demanding. They want to eat healthy, safe products, produced locally with respect for the environment. They also demand traceability and feel concerned about climate change. Our goal is to satisfy all this requests by providing them the best products and services.
Why are you focus on sorghum?
Sorghum is an environmentally responsible crop. It uses fewer natural resources in its production and is the model sustainable crop. Sorghum is high in dietary fiber and has a neutral flavor making it ideal for use in numerous types of gluten free food products. Sorghum is high in phenolic compounds that can add health benefits not found in other fruits, vegetables, and grains. The darker sorghums, in particular, have high levels of antioxidants, comprised of 3d-anthocyanins, which are unique to sorghum.
What’s more, a large numerous of varieties are available to us. What we bring is an understanding of each characteristic within that diversity, so we can focus on very specific lines of sorghum that can have great advantages to the product developer but also some secondary health benefits to the consumer.
How about your contribution to the fight against climate change?
Nu Life Market is fighting the acceleration of climate change using the most carbon friendly farming practices and dry land farming. Our team of growers practice regenerative agriculture to preserve natural resources: roots stay in the ground, sequestering carbon in the soil; our farms showed a 575% reduction in total soil erosion vs the national average; our sorghum travels only an average of 49 miles from the field to the processing facility…
How do you manage to have a whole traceability from field to flour?
We have a “Farm to Family Food Safety Program” that involve all the aspects of our process: field selection, grain production, milling, packaging. We carry out checks and analysis at every stage of the process.
Is Kansas a good place to cultivate sorghum?
Yes definitely. Grain sorghum has grown in western Kansas because this is the ideal climate to grow at. We’re very fortunate to be in the largest grain sorghum production region in the United States. It gives us the opportunity to be able to provide in big volume healthy nutritious and responsibly grown sorghum, that’s what consumers are expecting today.
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