Call for posters If you wish to have a presentation, you are kindly asked to submit your oral and / or poster communication requests before 15th June.

Selected posters will be presented during the workshops on Genetics & breeding, Agronomic techniques and Processing.
They will also be exhibited in the common area during the Congress.
The 3rd European Sorghum Congress will take place on October 12 & 13, 2021 in Toulouse (France). The detailed program and registration procedures will be disseminated in early May. This Congress will include two plenary sessions and 3 workshops:
- Genetics and Selection
- Agronomy and economics
- Processing and market opportunities
All workshops and plenary sessions will focus on genetic and agronomic innovation for the sake of the development and the diversification of sorghum market opportunities.
In this perspective, each of the workshops will include “main” oral presentations as well as “flash” presentations (3 min) on the latest scientific outcome and results on sorghum, followed by a wrap up session in the plenaries; a display of posters will also be available in a dedicated exhibition area during the 2 days of the Congress.
To that end, you are kindly asked to submit your oral and / or poster communication requests before June 15, specifying the following elements:
Type of communication requested: oral or poster
A statement of intent of 2 pages maximum (400 words), in English, in the form of a summary with the following details:
- Topic (for example selection, agronomy, protection, transformation, market opportunities, marketing, …)
- Title
- Summary of the study
- Author (Name, first name, educational background and titles)
- Institution
- Country
Your responses should be sent by email to the following address:
A Commission for the assessment of applications will be convened to rank the requests and select those to be presented orally or as a poster.
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8 T/ha of grain sorghum in Northern France… soon possible?

Sorghum has more than one tricks to offer