2021 Congress. The Presentations

« Sorghum Assets Meet Tomorrow’s Economic, Climate, and Environmental Challenges: this Could Be Europe’s Chance »

During the two days, speakers from four continents presented their latest research, analyses, and results regarding hybrid selection, genetic progress, agronomy, production, and latest processing advances.

Plenary session of Tuesday, October 12th

Sorghum ID: an Organisation Committed to the European Sorghum Industry
Valérie Brochet, Sorghum ID Delegate, France
Martin Gomez, International Promotion, Sorghum ID, France

 World/European Market of Sorghum: Situation and Outlook
Arthur Boy, Economics Officer, AGPM, France
Pierre Guillaumin, Economics and International, FNPSMS, France

 Agriculture in the Current Climate and Environmental Context
Dr. Serge Zaka, Scientific Expert and Researcher in Agroclimatology, ITK, France

 Overview and Outlook of Sorghum in the USA
Florentino Lopez, Consultant, Creando Mañana, USA


Workshop #1: Hybrid Selection and Genetic Gains

 Genetics and Breeding: Advances Made Since the 2018 European Congress

Dr. Gilles Trouche, Deputy Manager with the UMR AGAP Institute (Genetic Improvement and Adaptation of Mediterranean and Tropical Plants), sorghum & rice breeder and geneticist with CIRAD, France
Dr. David Pot, UMR AGAP Institute (Genetic Improvement and Adaptation of Mediterranean and Tropical Plants), Genetics and Hybrid Innovation Team, CIRAD, France

1st part: Current Hybrids “on Offer” and Lessons Learnt from the International Programs of Sorghum Selection

 Overview of Sorghum Hybrids in the Main European Seed Production Companies
Dr. Patrice Jeanson, Selection and Research Cooperation Programs, Lidea and Eurosorgho, France
Dr. Magdalena Buschmann, Product Manager Sorghum International, KWS
Dr. Joel Alcouff, Brazilian Breeding Department, RAGT

 New Traits and Selection Methods Aimed at Developing New-generation Grain Sorghum Hybrids
Prof. William Rooney, Sorghum Geneticist and Breeder, A&M Texas, USA

 Merging Ecophysiology and Generics to Support Selection Programs
Dr. Diego Ortiz, Plant Breeding Manager, EEA Manfredi; sorghum breeder with INTA (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria), Argentina

2nd part: Improving Hybrid Selection Efficiency in Europe

 Genomic Selection of Sorghum and Adaptation to Difficult Conditions
Dr. Jurandir Magalhaes, Researcher in molecular genetics and genomics, Embrapa Maize & Sorghum, Brazil

Current Progress in Sorghum Genetics Facilitates Selection Programs
Prof. Rod Snowdon, Plant Breeding Manager, IFZ Research Centre for Biosystems, Land Use and Nutrition, Justus Liebig University, Germany

CropBooster-P: a Road Map for Future Plant Research in Europe
Dr. Philippe Nacry, Research Manager – Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Physiology, CNRS/INRAE/SupAgro/University of Montpellier 2, France

Developing New Tools for Sorghum Genetic Studies Focusing on Temperate Regions
Sara Miller, Doctoral student, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Workshop #2: Agronomy and Production

1st part: The place of sorghum in production systems

 Perception of Sorghum in Europe: France, Spain, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary
Dariusz Cholost, Director, Food Research Institute, Poland

 Arvalis Survey on Sorghum Producers
Jean-Luc Verdier, Agronomist in charge with Sorghum-related Activities, Arvalis – Institut du Végétal, France

 Profitability of Sorghum Production
Pierre Guillaumin, Economics and International, FNPSMS, France

 Characteristics of Sorghum Production in Organic Farming
Guillaume Joly, Production and Supply Chain manager at Eurosorgho, France

2nd part: Sorghum and the Environment

 Analysis of the Environmental Impact on the Life Cycle of Sorghum Crops and Maize Crops in Italy
Dr Gabriele Gasbarrini, Research and Development Specialist, Venturoli, Italy

Round table: Feed Sorghum in France

Augustin Gravier, Feed Crop Consultant, Indre et Loire Agriculture Chamber, France
Txomin Elosegui, Agronomic  Consultant, Ariège Agriculture Chamber, France
François Ratier, Feed Crop Consultant, Gers Agriculture Chamber, France
Rémy Pignaux, President, Agro Fourrage, France

3rd part: Sorghum Production Innovations

 Tackling Crop Physiology and Modelling Challenges to Improve Sorghum Hybrid Selection in Drought-prone Regions
Florian Larue, Crop Modelling Researcher – target environments and traits for hybrid selection in West Africa, CIRAD, France

 Test: Drones for Improving Sorghum Pollination
Gabor Feczak, General Manager, Agroszemek, Hungary

Workshop #3: Processing Industry

1st part: Sorghum and Food Use

 Sorghum-based Vodka Production
Sergiu Cataragal, Agroindustrial Group, Republic of Moldova

 Sorghum-based Whisky Production
Benoît Garcia, Owner of BOWS Distillery, France

 Bioactive Compounds in Traditional Sorghum Beer
Dr. Wahauwouélé Hermann Coulibaly, Food Biotehnology and Microbiology Researcher, Nangui Abrogoa University, Ivory Coast

 From Grain to Flour
Dr. Stefano Bibbo, Researcher, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCSInternal Medicine and Gastroenterology Department, Italy
Lalatiana Rakotozafy, Researcher, Cnam – Industries agroalimentaires, France
Bilaly Konate, Mali Agrico, Mali

 Sorghum-based Pasta
Monia Caramma, Co-Fondatrice de Macaronicus SA, Italie

 Sorghum-based Biscuits
Mohamed Zellama, Manager, ORI Biscuits, France

2nd part: Sorghum and Bioenergy

 Strategy and Bioenergies
Julie Aguilhon, Sustainability Officer, Total Energies, France

 Sweet Sorghum for Ethanol Production and Biomass Sorghum
Dr. Rafael Parrella, Researcher, Embrapa, Brazil

3rd part: Sorghum and Feed Use

 Sorghum in Swine Feeding
Dr. Reinhard Puntigam, Researcher, University of Rostock, Germany
Zoltàn Polgár, Marketing Manager, GALLDORF ZRT, Hungary

 Sorghum in Laying Hen Feeding
Sergei Makhortov, JJJ Real Invest, Russia

 Sorghum in Pet Food
Dr Greg Aldrich, Professor, Kansas State University, Grain Science & Industry, USA 

Plenary session of Wednesday, October 13th

Poster presentations

 Testimonial: Sorghum Crop and Processing – a Chance for Local Communities
Dr. Félix Badolo, Agricultural Economist, ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics), Burkina Faso

Closing remarks: « Sorghum – a Committed Industry, with Promising Outlets »
Pierre Pages, Head of the National Federation of Maize and Sorghum Production (FNPSMS), France