« Sorghum Must Be Viewed as a Valuable Product, Selected for Its Specific Qualities Rather than Based on Its Price. »

To Florentino Lopez – ag consultant with Creando Mañana –, sorghum is unlike any other raw material: its intrinsic qualities represent its real assets, much more than its price.
After having presented the United States’ sorghum program (the USCP – the United Sorghum Checkoff Program), Florentino Lopez spoke about the outlook of the sorghum industry in the US, pointing out several key aspects regarding the crop’s notoriety and the need to improve the consumers’ awareness of its intrinsic qualities. To Florentino Lopez, sorghum’s future and development will strongly depend on the industry actors’ ability to make the crop known among the general public and to promote its qualities.
The presentation pointed out the importance of the plant’s quality and value, from the perspective of its availability and affordability.
Global Mobilisation to Support Sorghum
Increasing the visibility of sorghum, helping farmers to get higher yields, continuing genetic research, improving knowledge about numerous outlets, and raising productivity and profitability – are all common work axes for the four continents that were present at the event. Thus Florentino Lopez expressed the need for a global mobilisation that would support sorghum through common actions.