6 varietal platforms introduced

Successive Turkish farmers over the 4 technical days organised by Sorghum ID in partnership with seed companies were able to visit the trials. In total, 6 varieties were presented: 2 varieties of grain sorghum and 4 varieties of forage sorghum.
As well as observations in the field, the farmers appreciated the dialogue with the experts present. Because this new crop, which really motivates them especially because of its low water requirements, also raises numerous questions:
how to choose the right variety?
how to manage water resources properly?
How to obtain the best yield?
What markets to target? … are just some of the most frequently asked questions. Most of the farmers present were animal farmers (dairy herds or sheep), so they were very interested in sorghum silage. But grain sorghum also raised questions about the markets for human food and animal feed (chickens).
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Everything in sorghum can be processed

Sorghum, crop of the future for our food and climate?