New opportunities
in food.
the reliable crop.

Sorghum is a food in tune with the times

Today’s consumer is hungry for healthy, perfectly traced products, produced locally within environmentally friendly conditions. Sorghum is one of the virtuous crops that food professionals can trust. Sorghum is the fifth most cultivated cereal in the world, which is very popular in Africa and is in full development in Europe. And not without reason! The grain of sorghum is nutritionally comparable to the other main cereal grains in terms of protein, energy, vitamins and minerals. It is also a very rich source of fibre.

Out to conquer European dinner tables

Sorghum: a newcomer on the scene? Yes and no. While sorghum is new to Europe, it is an ancient crop in Africa and Asia. It has proven its worth by serving as a staple chock-full of resources, since times immemorial.
It is a grain that can be cooked like rice or quinoa, used to make beer, cakes, syrup, alcohol, sorghum pop, and much more. With many strings to its bow, it is a much-appreciated part of any taste experience: breakfast, lunch, dinner…
Today, Europe is just finding out about the virtues of this magical grain, on the palate and for the body: a star is in the making.

Portrait of a sorghum grain

The sorghum variety intended for the production of animal feed is the sorghum grain: a small sorghum selected for grain production. This species is known for its high yield potential and excellent resistance to lodging-related diseases.

Colours and sizes: The sorghum grain of sorghum is round and pointed. It presents a great diversity of hue and size (diameter from 4 to 8 mm). Its TKW (Thousand-kernel-weight) varies from 6 to 70 g*.



Serving individual and environmental health benefits!

Sorghum is not just another tasty treat, it lends itself to every culinary style, and does more: it is virtuous. Highly nutritious, it is packed with proteins, iron, vitamin B6, niacin and phosphorus…

High-energy, rich in anti-oxidants, gluten-free and thus entirely suited to persons with allergies, it is also a source of dietary fi bre and potassium.
In short, sorghum is a strong ally to individual health. And it‘s good for the environment to boot, with very low water requirements!

Let’s toast!

Baijiu, a liquor made from sorghum is a traditional Chinese drink, and is served at major official dinners and business lunches. Refined, elite, and born of an extended fermentation process, Baijiu is enjoyed in tiny shot glasses (2 cl).

Sorghum is also the raw material used in the traditional beers consumed for centuries in Africa.
Today, with multiple nifty properties to boast of, sorghum plays an increasingly prominent part in Europe‘s breweries.

With sorghum, we have significant room for improvement.

For Monia Caramma – Sustainable Food Researcher, in view of its potential in the food industry, sorghum is still underused today. She explains why.

Others benefits

Opportunities. Sorghum the reliable crop.

Animal feed. Sorghum the reliable crop.

Sorgho fourrage