
18 June 2024

“Sorghum Has Its Definite Place in the Beauce Region”

As soon as he created his company, in 2016, Eudes Coutté set out to turn his 110-hectare farm into an economically-stable enterprise. The need for crop diversification became self-evident relatively fast. He therefore included sorghum among its crops – along with its multiple markets. Eudes Coutté takes care of the processing and marketing of his […]

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18 June 2024

Weed Control: Focus on Young Plants

  As the range of chemical options is shrinking, sorghum weed control becomes more complex. Regardless of the method, the key is to target the young weed plants, without, however, forgetting about mechanical cultivation. In France, the spring of 2024 will have been the last one in which producers were allowed to use S-metolachlor to […]

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02 March 2022

Choosing One’s Sorghum Variety

February comes to an end and springtime is near. It is time for us to choose the varieties that we will plant. Hybrid choice is crucial for a successful sorghum harvest and it allows one to adjust the crop to the specific soils, climate, and planting dates of a given region. Disease tolerance, tannin content, […]

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