In January and February, sorghum will meet producers and transformers.

Paris, 17 January: sorghum in human food. Conference in Paris, 23-25 Avenue de Neuilly, 75116, from 9:30am to 3pm.
Baziège, 21 January: meeting of the French sorghum value chain at the initiative of Arvalis – Vegetal Institute. On the agenda: 2018 crop year results, markets, crop protection novelties, results of grain and silage varieties, news of the sector.
Budapest, 23-26 January: Agrimashexpo, the top agricultural exhibition of Hungary. Sorghum ID will be there with a stand to deliver technical crop information as well as leaflets on available seeds. To know more:
Moscow, 29 January : Sorghum in poultry feed.
Conference at the MVC agricultural conference from 11.30am.
Kiev, from 19 to 21 February: AgroAnimalShow exhibition. One of the top agricultural exhibitions of Ukraine. Sorghum ID will be there with a stand to deliver technical crop information as well as leaflets on available seeds. To know more:
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Is China an opportunity for European sorghum?

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