Congresso 2018 – Le presentazioni

Il futuro punta sul sorgo. Milano lo ha dimostrato.

Il futuro punta sul sorgo” è il tema di grande interesse che ha mobilitato circa 200 specialisti provenienti da tutto il mondo in occasione del 2° Congresso europeo sul sorgo, tenutosi a Milano il 7 e 8 novembre scorsi. Nelle due giornate del congresso, ricercatori, produttori, trasformatori, ecc. hanno condiviso conoscenze, esperienze e interrogativi. Tutti sono concordi: lo sviluppo del sorgo potrebbe rappresentare un’opportunità per l’Europa, perché questo cereale possiede tutte le caratteristiche necessarie per affrontare con successo le sfide economiche e ambientali di domani.

Sessioni plenarie Mercoledì 7 novembre 2018

1. Sorghum ID Presentation.
Céline Duroc, Sorghum ID Delegate, France
Charles-Antoine Courtois, Sorghum ID Development Officer, France

2. Grain sorghum market around the world.
Yannick Carel, Research Officer, Economy and production systems – Arvalis (exposé présenté par Pierre Guillaumin FNPSMS)

3. Grain production in China.
Li Zhao Yu, Manager of the Beijing office of France Export Céréales, China

4. Sorghum overview in Argentina.
Leandro Pierbattisti, Chief Economist – Grain Markets, Federation of Country Elevators Associations, Argentina

5. Food, Feed and Fuel in a Rapidly Changing World, Conclusions of the Cape Congress.
Nat Bascom, Assistant Director of the programme « Collaborative research on Sorghum and Millet », Kansas State University, USA

Sessioni plenarie Giovedì 8 novembre 2018

1. Selection and genetic progress. Which solutions to face new challenges.
• David Pot, CIRAD, France et Gilles Trouche – CIRAD, France

2. Conclusion workshop « Agronomy ».
• Charles-Antoine Courtois, Sorghum ID Development Officer, France

3. Structural and new outlets to secure sorghum production in Europe. 
• Frédéric Guedj, Manager sorghum market development, Euralis Semences France

4. Climate change and Agriculture.
• Nathalie De Noblet, Laboratory of Climate and Environment Sciences ; Mixed Unit of Research CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, University Paris-Saclay ; Co-Coordinator of LabEx BASC (Biodiversity, Agrosystems, Society, Climate) France

WORKSHOP 1: Selezione e miglioramento genetico. Quali soluzioni per rispondere alle nuove sfide?

1. Breeding grain sorghum hybrids successes, opportunities and challenges.
• Prof David Jordan, Professor, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

2. Challenges and breeding strategies.
Dr Steffen Windpassinger, Selection Department, University Justus-Liebig, Germany

3. Challenges and genetic gains on forage sorghum for areas above 48º latitude.
• Dr De Milliano Walter, Hoeve Dierkensteen Netherlands

4. Analyzing the genetic diversity and architecture of sorghum pollen viability under cold stress.
• André Schaffasz, University Justus-Liebig, Germany

5. Genetic diversity of sorghum in Russia.
• Dr Vladimir Kostunov, Institute Donskoy in Rostov, Russia

6. Designing multi-criteria sorghum ideotypes in changing climate.
Dr Alessandra Fracasso, Unicatt Italy
• Dr Delphine Luquet, CIRAD, France

7. Genomics-informed sorghum improvement.
• Prof Ian Godwin, Professor in plant molecular genetics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

8. G2MARS a collaborative approach to improve fodder quality of European sorghum germplasm.
• Quentin Devaud, Breeder, Eurosorgho, France: Biomasse project for the future

WORKSHOP 2: Agronomia, economia, ambiente: come sfruttare al massimo le potenzialità del sorgo?

1. Sowing equipment, planting configurations and yield elaboration.
• Jean-Luc Verdier, Regional engineer, manager of the sorghum chain, Arvalis Vegetal Institute, France

2. Some aspects of Sorghum production in Bulgaria.
Dr Kalin Slanev, Agricultural engineer, Agricultural technical institute of Shumen, Bulgaria

3. Weed control in Sorghum.
• Isabelle Rougerie, Corteva, Charles-Antoine Courtois, Sorghum ID

4. Potential perspectives and benefits of sorghum silage for starch in the crop rotation.
• Prof Nick Van Eekeren, Louis Bolk Institute, Bunnik, Netherlands

5. Growing sorghum under water stress conditions in Australia.
• Loretta Serafin, Specialist of cultivation in dry conditions, Calala, Australia

6. Sorghum economy in European Farm.
• Marc Varchavsky, Manager of Economic Council, CER, France

7. Economic study of the sorghum in Ukraine.
• Gautier Maupu, Agritel, Ukraine

8. The ecological and economic foot prints of agricultural crops Sorghum.
• Alessandro Raggazzoni, Bologna University, Italy

9. Sorghum Crop, an alternative for Dobrogea farmers.
• Dumitru Manole, Romanian representative

10. Technical & economic references for sorghum production in South-West of France.
• Jean-Luc Verdier – Yannick Carel, Research Officer, Economy and production systems – Arvalis, France

11. Farmer testimony.
• Yvon Parayre. France. 

13. Farmer testimony.
• Cristi Spirido. Romania. 

14. Farmer testimony.
• Mauro Mengoli. Italy. 

15. Farmer testimony.
• Fabienne Coletti. Italy. 

16. Farmer testimony.
• Luigi Boriani. Italy. 

WORKSHOP 3: Quali impieghi strutturali e quali nuovi utilizzi per garantire la produzione di sorgo in Europa?

• Célia Brogniet, Caussade Semences, France

1 INTRODUCTION Presentation of different types of sorghum.
• Magdalena Bushmann, Manager of the sorghum and sunflower markets, KWS, Germany

1 Organising sorghum harvesting at the scale of a territory.
• Clément Roux, Arterris agricultural cooperative, France

2 Producers-processors-breeders partnerships, for a local distribution channel.
• Cristi Spiridon, (Zorin SRL, Director, Romania)

3 Use of sorghum for the production of electrical energy_the Coprob experience.
• Massimo Zavanella. Coprob

4 Use of sorghum in broiler chicken diets.
• Anca Gheorghe, Research service INCDBNA – IBNA Balotesti, Romania

5 Effects of dietary sorghum on performance.
• Mihaela Habeanu, Research service INCDBNA – IBNA Balotesti, Romania

6. Different monocut sorghum used as forage some guides to advise farmers. 
• Alexis Ferard, Zootechnician engineer, Arvalis, France

7.  Use of sorghum in feed nutrition.
• Alexandre Calendreau, IDENA, France

8. Sorghum round-table for human food, GAIA BEER.
• Tiziano Tanzi, OTTODISETTEMBRE company

9. Sorghum round-table for human food, FLOOR.
• Monia Caramma, Agricultura Biologica company

10.  Sorghum round-table for human food, PASTA.
• Monia Caramma, Agricultura Biologica company

11. Advanced imaging methods to optimize extraction of natural red colorant from dye sorghum.
• Sophia Alami, Cirad

12.  CONCLUSION Analysis of cereal consumption in Europe by segment.
• Frédéric Guedj, Manager sorghum market development, Euralis Semences France