After having applied in early 2016 for EU funding aimed at promoting grain, feed, and seed, sorghum, the F.N.P.S.M.S. was notified by the European Commission on December 2nd last as to the upcoming granting of the funds. This marks a new stage in the building of a European sorghum industry and confirms the interest of public authorities in the development of this crop.
The funding programmes will focus on two European regions, namely:
– five EU countries (France, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, and Romania), for a three-year budget of € 615 000, of which € 427 000 of European funding,
– two Eastern European countries (Russia and Ukraine), for a three-year budget of € 558 000, of which € 443 000 of European funding.
With European funds, financial resources are used based on specific calendars and development axes, as set out in the initial funding applications. Thus actions under this programme are to be carried out during the three-year period between the spring of 2017 and spring of 2020, via two promotion and communication programmes aimed at improving knowledge about the crop, increasing public awareness about its numerous benefits, and contributing to its development in Europe.
Some of the levers envisaged in that respect are:
– field trials,
– expert publications in country-level agricultural press,
– video clips, radio and hard copy advertising,
– technical manuals,
– press and study tours,
– technical conferences and trainings,
– etc.
All this will create a positive dynamics that should help build a stable and well-structured sorghum industry at the European level.