2 days dedicated to sorghum research

To structure the exchanges for this 1st Europe – West Africa research conference dedicated to sorghum, the programme included plenary sessions and thematic workshops (agronomy and production ; genetics and selection ; products and processing). The sessions were specifically designed with keynotes and personal accounts to identify the challenges of sorghum research, identify synergies between Europe and West Africa and expectations across disciplines.
3 keynote sessions to define priorities
Agronomy and production • Tomorrow’s challenges for the EU and West Africa
• Available tools and platforms
• Possible synergies and complementarities
Genetics and selection
Products and processing
4 workshops to address the areas of focus in depth
Challenges and projects Challenges, current projects, projects to be started
Tools and skills Tools (platforms, methods, models) and skills available to address the challenges
Scientific domains Expectations of other scientific fields
Research network Requirements, operation, funding?
DAY 2 A morning to restate and summarise
Experience sharing and emergence of a collaborative network
Although Covid constraints forced certain participants to attend the conference remotely, a true collaborative network spirit has been forged over these 2 days, with all participants highly involved in the future of sorghum:
– players in value chains (public and private bodies) and research groups
– European and West African research groups (8 European countries and 7 West African countries were represented) with contributions from colleagues in Brazil (EMBRAPA), the USA (Sorghum Check Off), East Africa (2 countries) and Southern Africa (1 country).
– Agropolis research groups (47 scientists from 13 different research groups (UMR, UR and GIS)
Portraits of the speakers : ⬇️ 🗂 Sorgnet-IDCard_Sorghum_Researcher-Book
This event was funded by the fondation Agropolis, la plateforme IAVAO in partnership for research and training, the CIRAD sorghum value chain , the institue AGAP and SorghumID.
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Sorghum ID at the Euroseeds Congress

Seeds for the future at INDAGRA